About Us
Founded in 2018 and inspired by John Paul II’s call to dynamically engage with the modern world, In Altum seeks to invest in young Catholics worldwide who have demonstrated excellence and leadership in their own fields, and through them, transform all areas of human reality to make all things new in Jesus Christ.
Now we must look ahead, we must "put out into the deep", trusting in Christ's words: Duc in altum!
- St. John Paul II
In Altum is an educational nonpartisan institution whose mission is to contribute to society through the study of the Catholic intellectual tradition and social teaching and its relevance in public policy debates, the private sector, and everyday life. We inspire individuals who are committed to living their faith in all spheres of life, both public and private at the highest levels of excellence.
We want to build an international community of leaders who work together in pursuing truth and wisdom, presenting the teachings of the Church in complex social relations, permeating all layers of society with Christ’s message of freedom and redemption. We hope to transform the social order in our participants’ communities by creating a wave of change that starts with In Altum.
We respect the human dignity of all individuals, from conception to natural death.
We believe freedom is grounded in responsibility and its truest expression is found in human flourishing in all different dimensions of life: spiritual, social, intellectual, emotional, and physical.
We have a strong appreciation for the Western intellectual heritage and the study of great books and literature.
Our Team
Juan José Jiménez-Lema
Executive Director
JJ Jiménez-Lema was born in Medellin, Colombia and spent his childhood between Lima, Peru and his city of birth. He holds a BS (Econ) from EAFIT University (Medellin) and is an alumnus of the Thomistic Institute's Civitas Dei Fellowship, ADF's Areté Academy and In Altum, where he deepened his love for the humanities, poetry, philosophy and community. After spending some time working in project management and innovation in Telecom and Retail, he currently serves as In Altum's executive director, where he is in charge of the general overseeing and execution of In Altum's programs and initiatives.
You can find some of his published work at The European Conservative, El Colombiano and Sentido Común Magazine, which he also leads as director and editor-in-chief.
Contact Information: juan.j@inaltumprogram.org | +57 318 3937824
María Jimena Sánchez Ravanales
Director of Admissions
Originally from Guatemala, María Jimena is driven by a passion for education and cultivating communities that unlock opportunities for others. With a Bachelor's in Business Engineering from Universidad Francisco Marroquín, her experience spans from education nonprofits to creative sectors, and the tech space where she led strategic projects for numerous startups over the past couple of years. As the Director of Admissions, she is thrilled about finding the next wave of Catholic leaders determined to shape the world—and is especially excited to learn from them.
Contact Information: jimena.s@inaltumprogram.org | +502 5632 3330
Nelson J. Campos
Program Coordinator
Nelson excels in managing high-impact initiatives and plays a pivotal role in the success of the In Altum Program by overseeing the logistics and operations of our summer programs, as well as supporting with our recruitment efforts. Nelson holds a degree from The Phoenix Institute and a Bachelor's in Business Management.
Contact Information: contact@inaltumprogram.org | +57 318 4095964